Unedited copy as submitted for the July 30, 2001 issue of Airventure Today.
Fresh Baked Donuts a Favorite AirVenture Tradition.

by Jack Hodgson

If you're one of the AirVenture dawn patrol, one of those early risers who beats the crowds by heading to the field early in the day, then you probably know about Bill Stiedemann and his Fresh Baked Donuts. Or, if you don't know you should.

Every morning Bill, and his crew of four, mix up the batter, cook the donuts in the big donut fryer, and coat them with sugar, cinnamon, or just leave them plain. And sell them with orange juiice and coffee to the hungry fly-in early birds

Stiedemann arrives at 4:30 a.m. each morning during the fly-in. Donuts are served from 6 - 10 each day. And Bill also puts together orders for many of the volunteer committees here at EAA AirVenture.

The equipment Bill uses to make the donuts definitely qualifies at "Vintage". But it's as solid as a Stearman. Well, almost.

On the first day of this year's fly-in, the crucial batter mixing machine broke down at 9 am. "With a couple hundred people waiting in line," says Bill. "For a few minutes there I was the least popular guy on the field."

For many years the donuts were made and sold in the Ace's Cafeteria near the NASA buildings. But two years ago it moved to its current location. "At first people had a devil of a time finding us. One poor lady walked all the way from ultralights to Ace's, and then had to walk back here. She had walked right past us."

Bill's not really sure how long he's been making donuts for the fly-in. "I forget when I started. I think it was about 18 years ago." He estimates that he and his crew will make around 20,000 donuts during the convention.

You can say good morning to Bill, and pick up a fresh baked donut, each day at Classic Cafe which is located out on the flight line just north of the AeroShell Sqaure.